There was a pleasant breeze this morning, and a bit of a mist. Here's the part of town Lucky lives in, taken from the beach:

Carl's got books on shelves, and he sold one today!!

Shadow's getting along fine here, look how happy he is. This is just before we went out back to siestaland. At a certain time of day siestaland is in the shade, but the lowering sun catches the palm tree and the patio umbrella and casts a sharp shadow of them on the wall of the house. Nice.

After work today we went running errands again, there's still lots to do. We found a trash barrel. You have to keep driving by this one corner in town where a guy sometimes parks with barrels, and buy one for 100 pesos. Today he was there, so we have a big red steel barrel outside our wall. I was going to take a picture of it, but then the neighbors would know I was crazy.
Burrito Express is working out well. We take our mail in to them, and they pick up our mail from Lukeville 3 times a week. We don't even have to worry about stamps, they have a postage meter. And they will mail media mail for Carl's books.
I found out a little more about the jazz festival on October 4. Several groups from the US and Mexico, starts at 6 PM, ends I expect after my bed time. Tickets $15 a chair. Here's the poster:

We went out comparison pricing on furniture today, and found some we liked even better, and for a way better price. Also some nice tables. It's being delivered within the hour, pictures tomorrow. While searching the furniture stores, we met one young lady who spoke English. Carl asked her when the daytime temperatures started to cool down a little, and she said within a week. She was quite disappointed sounding, and said, "It is always cold on the holiday." Independence day is Sept 16, keep an eye on the temps everyone. I'm betting it will be 30.
When we go to the Old Port, on the way back is a sign that make me laugh every time, because I am infantile. It says, "¡ya Basta!" Which means "enough is enough!", but I always have to say to Carl, "Oh, yeah? Ya Basta!"
Furniture arrived!! The guys were afraid of Shadow. We shut him in the bathroom. I was able to say to the movers, " ¿puedes ayudarme a mover esta televisiĆ³n? Es muy pesada." Thanks, Cheryl!! (can you help me to move this television? It is very heavy.)
While I was learning the word for heavy, pesada, (Or pesado if the word is masculine) Dan asked, what if you want to order a heavy fish? Which of course would be a pesado pescado. Thanks, Dan. :)
So, furniture pictures tomorrow, we still have to get our FM3 visas started, and there is tons of organizing to do yet. Where do you find picture hanging wire? And what about that feta cheese? Steaks and mashed potatoes and green beans tonight, not very Mexican. We got the steaks from Oswaldo's favorite butcher. They look like fillets, and if they are then they're a very good price.
Oh, Dan, by the way, looking into the solar oven, but the hardest thing is you need a black pot with a tight lid, then it needs to be wrapped in clear plastic like an oven bag. There is a dish specifically made for that, but it's $100 online, which kind of defeats the purpose. But in researching that, I found this, which might solve our BBQ grilling problem (we can't find a gas grill here, and a charcoal one takes too long to heat up and burns for too long for 2 people):
I found a place that claims to have some in stock, just waiting for an email back from them.
I'm quite jealous of your morning beach walks. What a great way to start your day!
checked out the stove, pretty cool.
Surprised that there is not some sort of local equivalent. Saw a couple of others from a quick google, but nothing as nice and high tech as the one you are looking at.
There may well be a local equivalent..however I spent three hours today getting an ethernet cord. :) So if it's out there, we'll find it, but it will take a while. It comes just after un aspirador. (vacuum cleaner)
What did you search on in google, Dave? I'd be interested to see what you found.
Excellent, Cheryl, as I know you're an early riser, I hope you'll be joining us! Oswaldo said the sunrise at Las Conchas is wonderful, we're going to try that this weekend.
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