During the course of the cut, I managed to convey (using Spanish words in all the wrong order I'm sure), that in one year I would speak Spanish (A brave and perhaps foolish statement), and that because my hair wasn't pretty, I kept it short. She appeared to understand both. Anyway, here's the result, for 9 bucks including tip. I'll be going back to Martha.

Tomorrow we attempt to pay our electric and water bills, as well as our telmex bill. Exciting. Apparently you need to keep strict track of what day you're supposed to pay, because if you don't make it they just cut you off. And you have to go and stand in line. Memories of my childhood! (When you had to stand in line for everything, not that my parents made me go down and pay the power bill).
Tonight we finally have Shrimp Santorini- I'll take a picture. When the stove went out the other night, we had a backup dinner of shrimp pan-fried outside in butter and garlic and onions, and a Greek salad. It was a more than acceptable substitute. I'll try to get a shot of tonight's supper, and maybe a couple of house shots, and add them to this posting later.
Later- more pictures as promised!
Our hallway with a painting we inherited:

The shrimp on the stove:

shrimp just before being devoured:

containers in our kitchen-how Mexican are we? Of course, now the pinto beans are just for show, and we'll buy canned beans from now on. Shrimp, by the way, were $9.99/Kg.

The haircut looks great and much better than my first attempt. You will find the longer that you are there that the more people will ask you what it is in English. Larry had one Deli clerk (female) who would not serve him until he asked correctly in Spanish and then taught her in English. Shrimp also looks great but as I am allergic to all shellfish all I can do is drool. The pinto beans are really easy to cook from scratch just simmer them for a few hours. As it begins to cool down here I think with fondness of our 5 winters in Mexico. Hopefully our van camper and us will make it for next winter. OOPS with us aboard.
Congratulations on your successful haircut, but even more on your ability to handle it en español!
I love the canister labels!
Thanks! It was rough and tumble, but fun (the Spanish I mean). Today we found out some traffic rules- on one side of the tracks, if you're going north-south, you have the right of way. If you're on the other side (our side), if you're going north-south, you have to yield. Interesting, as not all streets go exactly north-south or east-west. I think I'll stick to my yield-no-matter-what plan for the time being.
Too tired to blog tonight, but I do have some stories to tell. Mañana.
Thanks, Shirl, I hope you do make it down here, and Shadow and I will go for a swim for you this weekend.
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