Friday, September 5, 2008

Got our Stuff!

Our stuff arrived, and all-in-all it was about $350 less than we had budgeted, which blows us away. There was one casualty, apparently this is what happens when a forklift drives into a box:

But now all our old stuff is nestling in nicely with our new stuff:

But of course the place is a mess again.

Here are the kitchen "improvements" I mentioned yesterday. Much much more organization to come. That's not beer. It's empty beer cans :)

Another major home improvement, we got the TV and DVD going. Now we just need satellite in time for Grey's Anatomy!

We got the new washer today, dryer to come. Got a rocking deal, $280/pair included delivery. You should have seen this guy- he took then from the back of the truck and somehow lowered them onto a hand truck without banging them or anything, it was like he had telekinesis. Then he said, very slowly and clearly, something like, "en una semana tendremos un refrigerador." I caught semanas because it sounds like "semaine", I guess that French in elementary school did some good after all. So I said confidently to Carl, "In a week he will have fridges." I'm pretty sure I was right. Later we bought ice. (ee-yay-lo, thanks Cheryl!), and the clerk said, "Quince pesos." And I knew that was 15! More importantly, I understood him. It's not a lot of progress, but felt like a lot. I have heard that people from other Spanish-speaking countries complain that Mexicans talk too fast.

I found these in the pack. ewww.

We went shopping, Osvaldo told us about another great store called Numero, and we picked up a few things at the Supermercado.

Impulse buy:

Tonight we have some shrimp which we are going to just boil quickly and dip into salsa. We think that will give us an idea of how better to cook them, because last time we over-salted them. And with our new vinagre, we'll have a nice avocado-tomato-onion salad, and we bought some bolillos. And I do believe we'll settle in and watch Goodfellas!!


Cheryl said...

Only one damaged box? I guess that's not so bad. Pity it wasn't the box with the toque in it though. A toque?! What were you thinking packing a toque to go to Mexico? I have the Puerto Peñasco weather on my desktop and it shows your expected high today is 44º!!!
Hmmm - a good day for doing, well, nothing really. Sipping cold beverages in Siestaland perhaps?
Sounds like your Spanish is coming along nicely. My turn to ask you a question now. What the heck is "botillos"? My diccionario says its bobbins...

Alicia said...

You guys crack me up! What is so interesting to me is the lack of drama around the moving thing and getting set up. If that was me, it would be one crisis after another. You two seem so calm " so, we got the TV and DVD hooked up". That would be several days of swearing and sweating if it was me.

Must be so good to have your own stuff around you. I remember every time I've moved that unpacking my own stuff and integrating it with the new stuff has made me feel like I'm finally home.

Way to go with the language! Be proud of your little steps.

Just a side note. As I am writing this, Penny is home with 10 of her closest graduate student fiends butchering a pig with stone tools in our garage. Yup, choppin' it up with stone tools. These are all crazy archeology students who want to see what marks the tools leave on the bones. Then tomorrow, yum, yum...a pig roast! With potato salad. I don't know, but I think I get extra brownie points for this.
Love ya

Alicia said...

I've beeb trying to leave comments but your blog says that "comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blogauthor." So I've written a couple of messages and they don't get to you.

Alicia said...

Then it tells me my comment has been saved and will be visible after blo owner approval. What's up with that?

Mel150 said...

OK, ok. Now the toque, boots, etc. are in case we need to come back to Canada for any reason.

I must have meant bolillos. My typing is as poor as my Espagnol.

Licia, you get major brownie points! I love a pig roast, but who cleans up the mess? eek.

I think I will disable the moderation, because the point of it was that I would get emails when a post arrived. Wrong again, apparently. :(