Saturday, December 13, 2008

Pretty Strong wind

We have a pretty strong wind today, but it's still beautiful out, 20 degrees. I went for my walk this morning and decided I'd walk to Numeros, the we-have-everything store. It's probably a kilometer away. I took these pictures on the way:

Fruit shack- we had heard that they had the best produce, but they haven't been open. They opened today! It is really big, and the produce is fresh, fresh, fresh! Nice new carrots and potatoes, grapes, honeydew melon, candies and cakes, tomatoes, cukes, big squashes, peanuts, sunflower seeds, beans and rice, canteloupe and watermelon, on and on. wow.

There is someone parked in front of the sombrero gate, but you can just see it.


Cool tree


La Merced:

Penasco marine-a very cool store, they have a little bit of everything tucked away, from shackles to knives to air beds.

A real guard dog:

Tortilleria and tortas places

Internet cafe and hot dog stand

When we got down to the beach with Shadow, "A pretty strong wind" translated to this!

We think this is the one that got him- suddenly he was tumbling in the surf, but apparently he thought it was fun! We thought that maybe even throwing the toy into the shallow surf wasn't a great idea today.


Cheryl said...

A bit of wind? That's the worst you could come up with to make us feel better about minus a million?

Shirl said...

Great Surf no wonder he loved it. No slippers, from our experience Mexican's don't wear slippers ( Stone floors too cold in the winter or mud floor unusable at all) and gringos buy theirs in the US. Electric Blankets are also bought in the US. Its like Americans don't use electric kettles like the Canadians do most of the ones we have met didn't even know what an electric kettle was. Anyway enjoy your beautiful spot and a day early Happy Birthday to Carl.

Mel150 said...

Yep, I'm afraid that's the worst I could come up with, sorry. Great waves, though, hey?

Anonymous said...

Yep, too bad you can't find slippers.(0)