Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cholla Bay and Ramon's

I decided for no particular reason this morning to drive out to Cholla Bay, to see if maybe there was a garage sale or something going on. No such luck, it really is a suburb-y kind of place, good for people who really like to drive on bad roads. But it is beautiful as well, with some unique architecture. I took some pictures, but only a few of them came out, I simply can't take pictures in this sun. But I like the sun! What a conflict.

Here are a few shots of Sandy Beach condos from behind. And an idea of how you get to these places:


On this map, 1 is about where our house is. 2(which is white, not blue-I meant to do that), is the old port, three is where we enter the beach, 4 is the beginning of the Sandy Beach condos, 6 is Cholla Bay, and 5 is the road taken to get to both Sandy Beach condos and Cholla Bay. Now we can walk from 3 to 4 in about 15 minutes. But for some reason the road is out in the desert. Anyway, gives you an idea of the layout.

Sonoran Sun:


The Rocky Point Times is out, and Melody's picture is in it twice, 'cause of Uncommon Women. Also they have a new rumours page, which relays these rumours:
-There will soon be a new Home Depot here as well as new Walmart. I hope to boycott both, but fear that I will succumb to the ease of buying everything in one place. I must fight!
-Burger King has been sold and soon wil be a McDonalds. I think I can easily boycott that one, as I've never set foot in the BK.
-Bull fighting exhibition coming.
Also, not in the rumours list, there is a horse show here on November 28 or 29 featuring Andalusian horses, with folk dancing, food and drink! We won't be going unfortunately as it starts at 5 PM and would require driving back on a narrow dark highway in the dark.
-Taste of Penasco is getting closer!
-We now know where the hole-in-the- wall bakery is, and will go soon. Although we love our nearby panederia, and will not be abandoning it.

I went to Ramon's for breakfast today and took a few pictures- it's so bright and sunny, a nice place to read the Times and eat your brekky.

The menu: I had the cactus eggs, because I've been meaning to try nopales.


Breakfast- nopales don't really have much taste.

We want to build a little partition to the left of the guest room door, (Rhonda knows why), and were on the lookout for some lattice. I think I found some!

And that was my little adventure today. I have some feelers out to see if I can get into some Spanish lessons, now that I can differentiate words. I'm actually understanding a fair bit, if only because of circumstance and intonation. Like if you're in the grocery store, and the bill is $102 pesos, and you give them $200, and they say, "something something dos?" you know they're asking if you have two pesos. Or, another instance, someone comes to the door and asks, "something something trabajo something something comida", you know they're asking if you have any work they can do so they can get some food.".

And if someone sees you have a a couple of US dollars in your hand, and they come up and say, "something something comida", with a very very sad look, you know they are saying they want food, they're hungry. If they say that to you with a very very sad look, but they have a plate of food and a coke they just bought, you know you're being taken for a sucker. But you might give them a buck anyway.

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