Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Plumbing, Pizza and Playa

Faucet report- we thought that the faucet in the ensuite bathroom was just a trickle because of a problem at the pump, but I took a hose off the faucet and ran the water, and there's plenty of pressure. So that's good in one way, but means we have to take the faucet apart and clean it with hot vinegar, because the parts are clogged. I think.

We also still need to replace the full faucet in the kitchen. So anyone who knows a good "here's how a faucet works" website, please pass it along.

The longer you're down here, the more often you say, "This needs hot sauce!" I had the pizza again tonight, only this time I had to have the sauce. Last time it looked too scary.

Both my boys are sick today, I don't think it was my cooking, but both are hot and thirsty and achy (although only Carl actually vocalizes). Shadow came to Playa Bonita with me today, though. My very first official beach visit! I took the cooler with lots of water and a coupla cervezas, a sandwich, two towels and a good book (Accordion Crimes by E. Annie Proulx). We drove up behind the beach on a sand road. First I parked in the sand, where other cars were parked. And I felt my right passenger wheel SINK. Into a pothole full of sand. And I was stuck. Luckily there was a really nice guy there with a truck who spoke English and towed me right on out.

We parked (on the pavement)just up the beach from the ramp where Lucky lives:

Hard to explain where this is, it's about halfway down the beach on our usual walk, and Lucky comes down the ramp to greet Shadow.

Then we walked down through a ...?restaurant? Maybe? Closed for business but open for walking through. And onto the beach, where there were a couple of canopy-covered frames with tables, chairs and a lounge chair. We settled in for the afternoon. Shadow was off-leash and a very good boy, although he inexplicably drove Lucky off when he came to visit. dogs. who knows?

The tide was way out, but the water level seems to be the same high tide or low tide- you have to walk out quite a ways to get it over your knees. It's still warm, though, the only time I felt a small chill was the other morning at 6:30 AM.

So a very nice day, and hopefully the boys will be better tomorrow.

Oh- forgot to mention, I got an invitation today:

Hi Melody – since you are living here fulltime, thought you might want to meet some of the ladies with Uncommon Women on Common Ground. We are meeting next Tuesday to paint over graffiti on a wall in town. Then dinner at the Cuban restaurant.

I of course accepted.

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