Friday, October 3, 2008

3 dumb gringos eat fish

We took a walk tonight, here are some of the pictures, as well as pictures of our somewhat adventurous dinner.

This is the company, Burrito Express, that takes our mail to the U.S. and picks up mail from the U.S. and brings it here. Hey, anyone interested in picking up some mint seeds and sending them to us? It will result in Mojitos when you come down!!

Our walk- Down the alley in the opposite direction from last time.

The alley behind/beside our house:

A refresqueria right behind us that we haven't tried:

Boat on next street over:

A very nice house we saw for sale.

Pretty sure these are dates:

A little hair salon up the street, and their yard:


A sign and a house, nice trees:

More flowers:

And more flowers:

Ramon's restaurant, three blocks away:

On a main street nearby

We went all out tonight and bought two lobina entera, which we were pretty sure were whole sea bass, and some plantains for dinner. I've never had plantains, either.

The lobina entera prepped for cooking. Garlic and butter outside, limes inside.

The cooked Lobina. This is a nice fish- white, firm flesh, takes on flavors well, I will get this again.

The finished plantains. At first I wasn't impressed, but they grow on you! Nice color. Even the slightly burnt ones were tasty.

And it's the weekend again! Got my jazz tickets today, and we want to buy a piece of furniture for the hallway; we want to store a lot of stuff in it and use it as a worktable. So a kind of desk/worktable/sideboard.

And there's a place in town called the Tequila Factory which advertises samples. We might drop by, purely as a research project, so that we can taste a couple of kinds of tequila. There are silver, which is unaged, gold which is colored by caramel, resposado which has been aged in a barrel for at least 6 months, and Añejo which has been aged at least a year. We're doing this research for you, people!! There's a red and a blue tequila in very tall bottles at the Super Ley, which intrigue me. Later for that.

The weather has broken here, today it was a high of 34, and tomorrow and Sunday around 28 or 30. It's nice, you can walk around without feeling you might be doing yourself some damage. Sound familiar, Denise and Tom?


Cheryl said...

Muchas gracias for another great tour of your neighbourhood.

Mel150 said...

De nada. I am starting to think that you and Dan need to take a long weekend and fly down here to see it all firsthand.

Alicia said...

Loved the fish, they looked so yumee. We have a friend from Columbia and whenever we get together for dinner plantains are a staple. I think you're right, the taste does grow on you.

I also liked the picture of the "brain trust", Shadow looks like such a happy boy!

Sorry I've been missing for a few days, Dylan had all four of his wisdom teeth out on Fri. He's doing suprisingly well but is pretty tired of soft food and wants to eat MEAT!

Enjoy the jazz...and the tequila.
luv ya

Mel150 said...

Ah, poor guy! Tell him it gets better fast and to start with chicken..or fish! By the way, I just discovered that lobina is black bass, not sea bass. but good!

CorrineB said...

Hey Mel, the fish looks great, the pictures are wonderful, love hearing about your days! You gotta tell me how the Tequilla tasting goes and what your favorite is and if it's available waaay up here!

Mel150 said...

We'll let you know, Corrine! We've been too chicken to go, but I know we'll make it eventually. Today is beach day! A cooler, some water, a little lunch, a little cerveza, a little hielo, a little dog, sand sun and surf! It's the first day we've done this, can you believe it?