Saturday, July 18, 2009

Smoked Marlin Tacos

We're clearly getting used to the heat- it was 32 in the house, and Shadow, Carl and I all had a big hug on the bed. Then we turned on the AC.

As you know, I've been trying to teach English to Diana from next door. That's come to an end for now, because in trying to find lessons, I've realized all ESL class lessons are for a group of people, and it was wearing me out trying to figure out how to teach her. I told her (in a typed note that I translated on google translator)that I would try to find a friend to help teach her, and then we could start again. And that I had a LOT of fun! I got a hug for that. Here's a couple of shots of our "classes".

We each have the same book, one for learning English and one for learning Spanish.

We laughed as much as we learned.

Last weekend we joined the "Old Boys Social Club" out in Cholla Bay, after being invited out by our friends Jerry and Laurie. It was a big spaghetti dinner. We helped out with the prep and the cleanup.
Cholla Bay view:

Banners in the clubhouse -They have events about once a month, and give proceeds to charity.

Out the front door- it was hot in there, about 39 degrees.

Carl and Jerry make garlic bread- oh, it was good!!

The local slogan- I love it!

More of the view

Carl helps out in the kitchen at home.

We had a lightning storm last night. I took a movie of it and then took some stills. Not very good quality, I’ll try a different technique next time.

The circus is in town! At the Uncommon Women event last Tuesday, I met a few women who live in town and went to this circus. I'm sort of disappointed in myself that I didn't go as well. It's nice to know there are other gringas here who live "in town".

Smoked marlin tacos: Start with the smoked marlin. We bought it at Chili Peppers restaurant by Max's. $7 a pound. Cheryl, I can have some in your fridge when you get down here if you like!

A little avocado and fresh tortillas from the local mercado.

Make some pico de gallo- Carl says mine was a little too pico.

Saute the marlin in some butter.

Throw it all together and YUM!

Tonight we're having the other half of the marlin with a salad- we don't want to obscure the taste. It's really very good.

Now- check out our new website,

As far as the newspaper goes, we think we've found a perfect solution- a template site that is made for building weekly newspapers, called I'm setting it up, and then Rosie can just enter her articles directly, upload some pictures, add ads etc. by herself. If she needs any technical help, she can hire me through my company, and then we're both happy! She's coming over today to get some training, and I've got to go off and work on the layout, so bye for now.


Anonymous said...

Marlin sounds yummy, but you gotta get that man to wear more cloths. Those tartan shorts made me put my sunglasses on, lol.


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, She thought I looked real cute, Let's see how heavy you dress in 40 degrees.

The Marlin did double duty as little steaks in butter with a nice salad the next night. That's 2 suppers for $7 worth of Take-a-Chance. We'll have to get more.


Mel150 said...

He did look cute!!

Cheryl said...

Mmmm, the smoked marlin tacos do look good. Dan should be there before me, so you can take him shopping for the ingredients.

You joined something called the "Old Boy's Social Club"???
You gotta petition for a new name - that one reeks of obnoxious, loud-mouth Americans!

Glad you found a solution for RPNO that works well for everyone - that's great!

Mel150 said...

I know, I cringed at the name as well, but I figured if Jerry and Laurie were members, it couldn't be all bad!