Monday, August 25, 2008

Day one

Our route so far:

We left Calgary at 7:50 AM, after a restless night, as you might imagine. We never thought the day would arrive, but time marches inexorably onwards, and here we are!! Shadow settles right into his new den, and was remarkably good the whole way.

We stopped for gas at Granum AB, where we saw this on our back window:

Mexico or bust, for anyone who can't read it. We LOVE it!!! But who did it? Had to have been Dan or Paul, but we're betting on Dan, it has a Dan-ness about it. A Dan-icity. It's Dan-o-licious. This is not getting washed off!!

Carl at Granum:

We waited 45 minutes at the U.S. Border, it was quite a surprising line of cars. But there was no hassle, and we got right through. Here we are in the good old USA:

It got hotter as we drove south- hey, you can go 120 KM an hour here!!! Traffic has been minimal, so very easy driving so far. By the time we reached Great Falls it was about 92 degrees. (33 C). As we got into the Big Belt mountains heading towards Helena, it cooled off somewhat, and it was pretty!

We got a little lost in Helena after I missed the turn-off, which Shadow thought was the most exciting part of the trip. Then, as we continued climbing and climbing, we lost our front roofrack about 10 miles out of Butte, which I thought was the most exciting part of the trip.

Once we got to Butte we both needed a pick-me-up. Thankfully, the gas station we stopped at had a solid wall of energy drinks, pick-me-up pills, and wake-up potions. I got a JAVA MONSTER. Do we even have these in Canada? Coffee AND an energy drink. Works, that much I can tell you.

That's all for today, we're signing off and grabbing some supper. We are very very glad to be on the road at last!! Here is our very nice hotel room:


CorrineB said...

What a great idea Mel!
Love the Mexico or Bust.
Sounds like Carl & Mel's Big Adventure is off to a great start, can't wait to hear about the rest.

Cheryl said...

NO WAY! It couldn't have been me! I don't even own white shoes - why would I have white shoe polish? Besides, how would I know that Paul & Patty live in the 500 block of 9th Ave? I've never even been to their house! I can't even spell Mecksiko! Cheryl was with me the whole time between 11 and 11:15 PM. You can even ask her.

Cheryl said...

Do you smell something burning? Uh oh - Dan's PANTS ARE ON FIRE!!!

Great job blogging!
Bien viaje mis amigos.

Leo said...

Hey, Cheryl:

Thanks for your comment...I was really wondering WHAT that white stuff was on the back of the car...window....on the photo...hmm, maybe I should stock up on that polish, you are giving me ideas here!

To Mr.Shady-Boy:::
Bon voyage (never mind the language, you are perfect in international Ge-Barking anyway), and give your people my best regards, too. Also a big sloppy lick, but THAT will go on YOUR account...

Cheers from frickin' cold Cowtown (8 degrees and dropping)
freeeez'n Leo

(maybe that's why Dan has his pants on fire?!?)

Mel150 said...

too funny! THAT'S why Dan wanted their contact info. So casual he was!

Leo, I hate to tel you we're at 92 degrees, but I can sympathize!! Shadow sends a big mauling your way.