Tuesday, August 26, 2008

3 dumb Gringos in three states

Our Route today- through MT, cut the corner off ID, and go to southern UT:

Insomnia raged, and we both got about 3 hours, but adrenaline and energy drinks got us through nicely. The I15 remains a nice quiet highway, except through the Salt Lake City area, which is eight lanes of hell for about three hours.

Shadow gets his teeth brushed today, since we can tell when he's sitting up by his breath. PU!! He's doing great with the heat, though, it's been in the 30s and he is a happy boy. Tomorrow we've decided to go the mountain route, from Cedar City east and down to Flagstaff instead of west to Las Vegas on the I15. It takes about the same amount of time, and it's going to be 38 in Las Vegas and 30 in Flagstaff. So we could do basically 8 hours of 38 degrees or 5 hours of 30 degrees and then 3 hours of 35-38.

Highlights of today's drive: This kind of scenery:

Pocatello, ID looked like a pretty town as we zoomed by, in a river valley. You'll have to take my word for it because I can't find a picture. We also zoomed by Great Basin national park: http://www.nps.gov/grba/ and Salt Lake City, as I said, a hellish drive.

Now it's dinner time and hopefully a good sleep tonight. We're in the Holiday Inn Express in Cedar City UT, which is also a lovely little town:

By the way, I've been meaning to thank Cheryl for the blog idea, and also for the idea of going south this winter.

General note- US has better hotel rooms and lousier restaurants. Generally speaking. Two hotel rooms in a row that don't stink!! Some kind of record, that is.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

Hi, checking your progress is the highlight of our day. I hope you're enjoying the journey.

Dan & Cheryl