Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Boats and Sprouts

We got invited to go on a yacht trip for free! We accepted, of course. Here's the boat-unfortunately we never went for the two-hour cruise (Gilligan theme running through your heads yet?). There's a pretty stiff wind, and whitecaps, and they prudently decided that with free food and drinks, it might be tidier overall to entertain their guests while still tied up. It was still lots of fun!

They have ten staterooms with 2 beds each, private baths and hot showers- it's built to go out for 7-day trips taking people scuba-diving. For you boat-y types, it's 110 feet, all steel, twin turbo diesels, with "the latest in marine electronics".

Their website is www.rociodelmarliveaboard.com

Working Shrimp Boats:

Many of you know that I have a seriously brown thumb, and also that I love to cook. I need an herb garden badly. Cheryl helped me plant some seeds before she left, and some of her green must have rubbed off, because some of them have sprouted!!

Basil. oooooo.

The other morning Carl was replacing our wiper blades and the guy from across the street came over to ask if he wanted some shrimp. $10 for 2 lbs. We thought. sure, what the heck. He brought over these monsters:

By the way, Carl says he doesn't speak Spanish, but I know the guy across the street doesn't speak any English, and Carl just completed the transaction without even mentioning what language it was in.

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