Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Melody is a big thief

I stole pictures from Cheryl. There. I admit it. She is good, I am bad.

A while ago I promised to post pictures of the very nice condo built by Oswaldo and Eduardo. Here they are:

The entryway to the complex, with electric gate.

The front of the condo. The circular window is stained glass, which you'll see another shot of later.

As you walk in, you gasp. The brick domed ceiling is twenty feet high easily, with elegant ceiling fans dropping down from it. This ceiling is laid by local artisans, about whom I'm trying to find out more. It is a sight to behold.

There's a very large patio upstairs. This condo is in the deisrable area of Mirador, just blocks from the beach.

Wrought Iron stair rail, with tile stairs.

The incredible kitchen, with colorful tile work.

One of the bathrooms with their classic brick shower.

And now we move on to dog shots, also taken by Cheryl:

Interspersed with this local shop:

Shots of siestaland:

And Melody shopping for veggies.

She's a good photographer, isn't she?

A local denizen:

At Rene's:

Marysol working diligently.

Marysol and Oswaldo- her baby is due any minute!

These are the new light fixtures Dan and Cheryl got for us- they match the house perfectly, we love them!

The little boy from across the street- cute.

He is throwing rocks at the big kids. Not so cute.

Mr. Fish, our fish guy. We just got some flounder, today, "Muy, muy fresco!" We hope.

Dan was a huge help with some of our electrical problems.

Daisy is Oswaldo's pit bull puppy, very enthusiastic!!

Cheryl helped us get Mexican email addresses. I called and thought I understood the woman who gave me the user name and password, but it took Cheryl's greater grasp of the language to get that it was carlaandmelodyscott, not carlandmelodyscott. Just a gender change and we were on our way.

Why are there no shots of Cheryl you ask? Well, I'll tell you what, I'll steal one more from her blog: (In response to her request, I've swapped in one we took today of her in siestaland).

And another of Taz:

The weather's heating up down here, we're getting into having some possible beach days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A thief with a twisted sense of humour. You had to use the photo with the stupid Christmas cracker hat??! Thanks a lot!