Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Off to Phoenix

It being late October, the book sales start again in Phoenix. So we're heading up early Friday. I'll drop Carl at the sale (Shadow will be with his dogsitter Adrienne, which he loves, don't let him tell you any different.) Then it's clothes shopping time! I'm meeting a friend, and I have a whole list of other things as well, from as pedestrian an item as red wine vinegar to a new soft-sided cooler. OK also pretty pedestrian. However, Carl scored the perfect collapsible book cart down here, with folding boxes:

Cheryl and Dan's friends have been here for nearly three weeks, and we've spent some time with them. They are loving the beachy life. Actually, it's a daughter of friends of Cheryl and Dan's, and a friend of hers, so they aren't actually even friends of friends, they are total strangers, but lots of fun. Cari-Ann and Nick:

We've been out to dinner a few times, and had them over here once. And we went out to Pinacate once, sans Carl. I'll go again, it's quite beautiful- the sun is so intense here that the signs that were facing the sun are burned out:

I've done a little snorkling latey, and have seen many sergeant fish, little and big:

As well as a garfish:


and button jellies, which aren't really jellies at all, and don't sting but look like little blue daisies.

We also saw the most amazing schools of little tiny fish on the shoreline. It was like a black cloud moving along the surf, and when you got close you saw it was composed of thousands upon thousands of little fish. They moved as one, and if you stuck your hand in amongst them, there would be a gap around your hand, and when you removed it it would close up again.

The little boy next door just came up to me and said, "What's up?" with a big grin. What a cutie! I used to just get scowls from the little boys around here (I think because we made their Oswaldo move away), so it's nice to get grins and waves and "what's up"s.

We got the AC in the car fixed for our trip, and in the process found out that we need a new starter. Better here than in Phoenix. So we're just waiting for that to be fixed. Because they do that right way, no waiting. Sort of like doctors. I need to get my tailbone area infiltrated with cortisone, and the doctor, a specialist, said to meet him tomorrow at the clinic with the drug and he'll do it then. I made the mistake of looking at the needle and now I'm a little freaked out, but it will be ok. At least it's not going behind my eye. Been there.

In Phoenix we'll stay with Peter and Betty again, always fun. I've sent an order of MagicKitchen.com food over there, thanks to Greg, so we'll attack that on Saturday. And I think some pool swimming on Saturday is in order as well. We're staying an extra day this time instead of coming right back.

I'll blog again if anything of interest happens in Phoenix!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great trip. Love the folding boxes. We have been using them for going to yard sales, antique shops and even for laundry baskets for years, so handy and so easy to store.
